Freezing Plant-Based Proteins
Late last year we announced that after extensive consultations with our partners, we decided to become the first cold store network in the UK to offer segregated, temperature-controlled storage solutions specifically for plant-based foods.
Dependent upon customer request the stock can be segregated from any other food products within our various BRC AA Grade, temperature-controlled warehouses, and are treated with the upmost care by our specialist technical team.
Statistics from the Plant-Based Foods Association show that frozen vegan meat production and consumption keeps growing at a brisk pace, which is attributed to a larger shift in food culture and consumption in the UK.
Our Blast Freezing service allows plant-based products to be frozen down to -18°C extremely quickly, in order to maintain quality and preserve nutrients. Once frozen down, our Microwaving tempering service can then up-temper the product quickly and efficiently; microwaving plant-based protein products is much quicker, increases shelf life and decreases yield loss.
If you’re interested in plant-based storage call 01246 854999 or visit
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Contact Us
Head Office:
Magnavale Ltd, Park Road,
Holmewood Industrial Park,
Chesterfield, S42 5UY